Saturday, December 21, 2019

Islam Studies Jahiliyyah - 1539 Words

The essay shall explore the concept of the jahiliyyah and demonstrate the importance and impact it has to understand the origins and development of Islam. The Jahiliyyah is a core and critical part of the foundations of Islam, that certain elements of the jahiliyyah were borrowed, adopted and developed; whilst other elements were discarded as Islam evolved. It is important as aspects of the jahiliyyah period continues to have an influence after the advent of Islam. Elements of the jahiliyyah such as the geographical location; the political, social and religious life; pre-islamic literature, rituals of the Ka ba and the role of Women have shaped the understanding of Islam. The term Jahiliyyah means the period of ignorance or†¦show more content†¦This tribal aspect reflects the adopted leadership of Muhammad; as tribal rulers were seen as an arbitrator than a ruler (Weissleder, 1978). This political structure influenced the Shura system. The legal system of this period was based on tribal or customary law which influenced the Islamic communities of today(Weissleder, 1978). This element reinforces why Jahiliyyah period shaped the origins and understanding of Islam. Similarly the social integration of pre-Islamic shapes our understanding of Islam. The notion of social integration developed within the Byzantine and Sassanic period (Hoyland, 2001). The Sassanic dynasty influenced the Islamic administrative system, it was also the aftermath of the competition dwelling between the two dynasties (Hoyland, 2001). Although these dynasties were competitive they shared a common values such as being imperialists and harmony (Hoyland, 2001). The imperial commercial network meant that the leaders had to negotiate and political rapports were created with the empires and harmony prevailed. The Bedouins became the foundational symbol of Arab nationhood identity (Hoyland, 2001). They became the nationhood identity through their significant oral transmitted poetry and written Arabic literature, which became the basis and core language and humanity of Islam (Hoyland, 2001). The pre-Islamic poetry was very fine and unique, it became the linguistic standard of the interpretations of the Qu ran. It is noted that theShow MoreRelatedReligion1264 Words   |  6 PagesMisconceptions about Islam – A personal perspective Islam may be the most misunderstood religion in the United States. The impression that majority of non-Muslim Americans have is usually obtained through the media which typically represent Islamic countries or groups in the middle of a Holy War. These wars are usually waged by Islamic Fundamentalist who use terrorism and other violent acts to get their messages across giving Islam a negative reputation. Because of the lack of understandingRead MoreDoes Islam Equate To Terrorism? Are Islamic Dominated Regions1402 Words   |  6 PagesDoes Islam equate to terrorism? Are Islamic dominated regions of the world inhabitable and unsafe? Do Muslims always act against government laws? These thought-provoking and rather exasperating questions are consciously and subconsciously asked by society. Though populated, the Islamic religion is somewhat foreign to most developed and western countries and has fewer people that identifies with the monotheistic group in these regions. This has therefo re caused the need for western communities toRead MoreIslam : The Faces Of An Islamic State Essay3358 Words   |  14 PagesIntent â€Å"Islam: The Faces of an Islamic State† The objective of this research paper is to examine literature to gain an enlightened perspective into the idea of the â€Å"Islamic State† in regards to the Middle East and other traditionally Islamic territories. To gain this insight the theories and ideas of noted Islamic scholars like Maududi, Tahtawi will be probed and analyzed. Tahtawi in particular is a scholar of importance in regard to the idea of the nationalism and the â€Å"nation state† in Islam. The ideasRead MoreThe Analyzing of Arabic: Through Culture, History and Linguistics2154 Words   |  9 PagesPeninsula the first to speak and write it were the Bedouin. During what most Muslims would call Jahiliyyah or (The period of ignorance), the Bedouin were nomadic group of transhumant pastoralists that fought wars and made a living on the backs of camels. While Arabic can be traced all the way to the fourth century AD, Arabic became more common place in the seventh century AD after the rise of Islam. Islam began in the year 610 when Mohamed began preaching what he said were divine revelations for

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